Sunday, February 13, 2011

LP: Under and Over Water Animals

In an attempt to cover (again X 3) opposites and work it into the "Marine Animals" segment, I came up with a last minute activity.

White and blue construction paper
Clip art of different animals
About 5 minutes before the lesson
and very, very important, an extra pair of shoes

Cut the blue construction paper in half hot dog style.  I used a spray adhesive to glue the cut blue paper onto the bottom of the white construction paper.  Your paper should be divided now into 1/2 white and 1/2 blue.

Using Microsoft clip art, I print out 4 land animals and 4 marine animals (we studied the octopus, the shark, dolphin and jellyfish).  The images need to be small to have them fit on the white/blue paper.  You can cut them out or if your class knows not to use the scissors to dig in their ears, have the kids cut them out.

As you start to hand out the white/blue paper and clip art, get out of your shoes because you have glued them to the floor with the spray adhesive residue.  Put on your new pair of shoes.

Talk to the kids about opposites.  I got in
  • over/under the water
  • blue/white
  • hot/cold (the sun warms the surfaces but deep down it's cold)
  • fast/slow (look at the shark and then look at the jellyfish)
  • sticky/slick (try to pry your shoes off the floor)
That's just a few opposites but it does conform to Georgia Performance Standards :)  and Bright from the Start lottery funded Pre-K.

However, there are no funds to replace your shoes. :(

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